Spanish tiles
Painting of Grazalema, Cádiz, by artist Carlos Soto

Painting by artist Carlos Soto

About Grazalema

Grazalema is in the province of Cádiz in Southern Spain, approximately 20 minutes drive from the historic town of Ronda, and 1 hour 45 minutes from the Costa del Sol.

It has been classified as one of the prettiest villages in Spain and has an incredible array of flora and fauna unique to the area.

It has many excellent restaurants and bars and in the summer months holds many festivals.

Grazalema photo gallery

Bee-eater bird

Bee-eater bird

In encouraging you to ‘spread your wings in Spanish’ I take particular inspiration from the stunning bee-eater bird - a migratory visitor to Grazalema. Their return every Spring is a welcome sight!

Bee-eater bird - spread your wings in Spanish with Andaluz Language Adventures

The nearby town of Ronda


Grazalema, Cádiz, Spain

Spanish tile trim